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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

If you want to get information about the shopping stages, you may review them by selecting the relevant category on the categories menu.

1- How can I find the product I need?

The fastest way to find the product you are looking for is to use the search button. By writing the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) or OE (Original Equipment) reference numbers you can find the product you are looking for.

You can find your product by going to the category which it is listed.  You can use “Category Bar” on the main page or “Category Menu” inside pages.

You can find your product by using vehicles button in the “Category Bar” or “Category Menu”

If you cannot find the product which you need in our web shop you may ask to us.

2- How can I check if the product is suitable for my vehicle?

Once you find your product with OEM or OE reference you may see the product details page by clicking the product’s link. On this page you can check cross reference numbers and vehicle compatibility information in the product properties section at the bottom.

3- Where can I see the brand name of the products?

You can see the brand of the product on the product listing page just below the product image written in bold character. On the product detail page, you can see the brand name of the product again just above the product description.

4- Are the products genuine?

All the products advertised in our web shop are the original products belong to brand names stated and sourced from their authorised distributors. 

Products are offered with guarantee and invoiced sales.

5- Is there a warranty of the products?

All products offered for sale on our web shop are guaranteed by the manufacturer unless otherwise stated.

6- What are the warranty periods of the products?

The warranty procedure for each manufacturer and the warranty time may vary depending on the manufacturer. The manufacturer companies generally have 12 months warranty.

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.