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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

If you want to get information about the shopping stages, you may review them by selecting the relevant category on the categories menu.

1- How can I become a member?

You can register for membership by clicking on “Member Registration” button in the upper left of the website or “New Membership” link at the bottom of the web site and by filling out necessary information or you can get support by calling our Customer Service Department.

2- Is it necessary to be member?

You don’t need to be member for shopping in our web site. But if you be member, you can place your orders faster, get the benefit of special campaigns and make your cancellations and refunds faster.

3- How can I change my password?

After you connect to member page by clicking the member login you may change your password at “Change Password” section.  

4- I forgot my password what should I do?

You can get new password by clicking the “Member Login” on the top of the web site and then by clicking “Forgot my Password” button.

5- How can I cancel my membership?

It is enough to send an e-mail to support@kevadiesel.com for cancelling your membership.

6- How can I reactivate my cancelled membership?

You can reactivate your memberships by our web site or by calling our customer service department.

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.